World Wide Kitsch presents its 8th Online Painting Competition!
Submissions are accepted through October 31, 2022 and then voting takes place, on juried submissions posted to WWK's facebook page, between November 5 until November 15. Three prizes will then be awarded based on vote totals.
We are delighted to help sponsor classical painting and WWK2022 by offering the 1st Prize!
Visit the World Wide Kitsch website here for more details and how to enter.
The painters Shaun Roberts, Sebastian Salvo and Jan-Ove Tuv comprise this year's jury.
Shown above is Night Portrait, 2021, by Anne Herrero, oil on linen, 14 x 11. Anne has been a member of World Wide Kitsch since 2017.
Congratulations to Sertap Yegin for winning both our 1st Prize and the People's Choice Award for his painting Ballad imaged below!